Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, March 20, 2025

Action, Children, the Supreme Action, Resides in Prayer, Resides in the Constancy of Prayer, Prayer of Faith, Prayer of Love

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Christine in France on March 13, 2025


[During the night]

THE LORD - Only prayer will deliver you from evil, only prayer will bring you peace and only silence will lead you to Me, so that I may deliver you from the traps of the world that is on fire. Noise is distraction, lies are distractions that lead you to wander. Children, you must regulate the gears of your future in Me, you must enter into silence, far, far away from the inopportune tumult of the world which is nothing more than lies, deceit and inconstancy that leads your world to catastrophe. Man has forgotten prayer, he has cast it out of him just as he has cast Me out of him, and he enters into the great machinery of perdition. What can man do away from Me, who am his Creator? He can only be a weather vane fickle in the winds of the world, buffeted by the cyclones that await him on all sides.

I came to free you from evil and drive the Liar and his lies away from you, but you ignored My call and My Word to throw yourself body and soul into the arms of the Disorderly. You have chosen nothingness and, if you continue your course, you will go to Nothingness. Don't play the game of the Evil One who wants you under his control. Man, children, on Earth is the issue. Don't let the Evil One invade your homes, don't listen to him, he will give you all kinds of information to keep you away from Me. Action, children, the supreme action, lies in prayer, lies in the constancy of prayer, the prayer of faith, the prayer of love. What can Evil take with it? Evil. What can Love take with it? Love.

Stay anchored, children, in the Rock that I am. The reddened Heaven can show you My anger at all your turpitude. I can also expel men from this Earth in My anger because few, so few, practice My law of love, but there is always in you and within you the Evil that torments you and, instead of pursuing it, you listen to it and succumb to it! Have you not yet understood that it is intelligent and cunning? Oh, how many times have I told you! He loves to see the blood of My children flow because hatred dwells in him and his project is destructive.

Children, don't get carried away by the tumult of lies! Beware of the pit diggers who will appear on all sides. Turn away from the temptations and lies of the world and, in silence, come to Me to gain strength and pour out your pain. Live with peace in your hearts because only peace builds, a peace that is a river of Living Water that carries sweetness into your souls. Children, without prayer man is recalcitrant and fights against chimeras, without prayer he is lost. I have shown you the way and you are not following it. Listen to My Word of peace, carry peace within you and peace will dwell in your homes and from house to house you will bear fruit.

I have come to gather My sheep and My lambs and place them under My Mantle before the great Tribulation takes them away and the gall overtakes them. Because so many of My children deny My Presence, the world is on fire. It is always like this and how many miseries arise! Children, I come to seek My own to lead them to the Wind of My Heart and teach them My Word of Truth. In these troubled times, in this noise of Satan, I come to bring you once again My Teaching of love.

Children, let there be no hatred among you. Drive out evil through prayer and perseverance. Come and seek My peace; it is by entering My courts that you will find it. Flee from the world and its parties, from the world and its madness. To flee is not to desert, but to come to Me in silence, to gain strength and to walk on the path of Truth. Children, I am the Truth and the truth is love. Love does not destroy, only discord and hatred come from the Evil One. Don't follow the ways of the world, they come from Satan, they lead you into his traps and ruin you. Children, choose neither war nor shouting, but peace and silence, and on the path of contemplation you will achieve peace. It is inner peace that brings peace to the world, but if everything in you is turbulence, then storms resound.

In silence, in peace, settle down and pray to be enlightened and guided. Yes, children, prayer is not a refuge, but a teaching, it opens up for you the path of wisdom and understanding, My Heart is your refuge from which you draw strength! Children, work in silence. Prayer is a force that cannot be measured, because the force of love expels the hatred that comes from the Evil One. Don't fall into the traps of discord or you will suffer. Seek the path of silence and, in silence, bring your hearts to Me, so that I can teach you the Truth that I am, the Truth that is love. In these painful times, don't waste time talking, but pray, pray with surrender. Come into the silence of My courts to learn the prayer of the heart, to join the silence whose strength escapes you, the one that leads you to contemplation and contemplation on My path.

Children, there is only one way. Read the Scriptures again, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, whoever comes to Me will lack nothing; I alone am enough, who am their Creator, the Creator of all life, I who am union and the cement of union, I who sow union and drive away disorder. Children, pray and remain in My love. I come to seek Mine and lead you on the path of Life. Enter into joy, do not let your hearts be disturbed! I am in silence, I am in abandonment, I am with you. Come to My Word of Truth and the way will be shown to you and in Me you will be. Only love is liberation. In silence, far from the world, I await each one of you, to free you from the calls of the evil ones and to place your footsteps in Mine, so that you may be liberated and freed from all the liars who await your footsteps. He will come in his chariot of fire¹, Elijah, and drive out the wicked! Yes, you will see him descend from the clouds and break the Adversary's kidneys!

Then peace will return before spring dies² and the whole earth will bloom again with the fragrance of My love. New Earth it will be!

¹ 2R 2, 11-12

² Would it be the springtime of hearts, of those who blossom again at the Lord's call?

Source: ➥ t.Me/NoticiasEProfeciasCatolicas